Hello All! I have successfully survived my first week of nursing school, which i will blog about.................later...i don't have much time now, but wanted to post this!
If any of you know me well you know my absolute favorite hobby in the WHOLE world is reading!! I ALWAYS have a book with me, like at church, look in the car there will be a book there. Well, if any of you know about nursing school, it's not easy. PLUS i'm in a tuition benefit program where I can't get less than a B and the school where I go if you get under a C it is failing, so needless to say I'm going to have my work cut out for me. Plus i kinda sorta have a goal of getting all A's, but we'll see how that one works out... anyways i said all that to say, before school started i read furiously to get all the reading (for fun not for school) in that I could, cuz I knew once school started the only reading I'd get in for 2 years (just about, lol) will be for school, but I still panic (not quite, but you get the point) at the thought of being somewhere without a book in case i have spare time and don't feel like dragging out my 3 inch thick "Fundamentals of Nursing" textbook. You never know when you might have 2 spare minutes! lol...so i dug out a book from my bookshelf entitled "That Book of Perfectly Useless information" written, or compiled i guess, by Mitchell Symons. It has tons of little lists and stuff of information. Well, i was reading through it the other night and came across 2 different things, something to think about, and something to laugh about (hopefully) and thought those would be great blog material so here they are! Let me know what you think!
First, "The Spooky Lincoln-Kennedy Coincidences".
Lincoln was elected president in 1860, having been elected to Congress in 1846; Kennedy was elected president in 1960, having been elected to Congress in 1946.
Both presidents were directly concerned with civil rights for black people.
Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy; Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln.
Both wives had lost children while living at the White House.
Both assassinations took place on a Friday, and both presidents were warned that they might be assissnated but both refused to change their schedules.
Lincoln was shot in a theater by a man who then hid in a warehouse; Kennedy was shot from a warehouse by a man who then hid in a theater.
Kennedy was riding in a Lincoln when he was shot.
Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was a southerner in his twenties; Kennedy's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was a southerner in his twenties.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Booth and Oswald were both shot before they could be tried.
Lincoln was succeeded by his vice president, Andrew Johnson, who was born in 1808; Kennedy was succeeded by his vice president, Lyndon Johnson who was born in 1908.
Lincoln and Kennedy each had 7 letters in their names; John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald each had 15 letters in their names; Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson both had 13 letters in their names.
So, what do you think, is it all a huge coincidence? Of course, i have no way of knowing if all this is true, i could research, but who has time for that? I would assume since it is published in a book of information it would be true, because if not, the validity of the whole book would be questioned. Who knows? Weird though huh?
Well I won't leave you on that note, the other item, something to laugh about.
"Unintentionally Funny (Actual) Newspaper Headings" (I am not going to include every one that was in the book, just the ones i found funny)
Cause of AIDS found - Scientists
Lawyers give poor free legal advice
Man found beaten, robbed by police
Juvenile court to try shooting defendent
Squad helps dog bite victim
Drunk gets 9 months in violin case
Doctor testifies in horse suit
Thugs eat, then rob proprietor
Grandmother of eight makes hole in one
Farmer bill dies in House
Defendant's speech ends in long sentance
New vaccine may contain rabies
Blind woman gets new kidney from dad she hasn't seen in years
Hospital sued by seven foot doctors
Kicking baby considered to be healthy
Safety experts say school bus passengers should be belted
Cemetery allows people to be buried by their dogs
Miners refuse to work after death
Genetic Engineering splits scientists
Stolen painting found by tree
Man held over giant L.A. brush fire
Kids make nutricious snacks
Dentist receives plaque
Man robs, then kills himself
Police search for witnesses to assault.
Well, that's it, some of those it might take a while to get. In fact, I just got one as I was reading them while typing them up tonight. My fav has to be "Kids make nutricious snacks". LOL
Well, hopefully I've made you laugh at least once, if so my goal is complete. and hopefully i've made you think a little too, Let me know what you think about these. What was your favorite headline? Thanks Mitchell Symons for entertainment tonight.
Hopefully I will post tomorrow or Monday about before another school week starts and I get too busy. Have a good Sunday.
~My birthday, Baby Stella Rose's birth Story!!, Kimberly hemorrhages on us
2Xs, sweet pics of both babies!~
~A couple more pics of Phillip in Colombia.~
*~As I said in my last post, *
*The Lord allowed Noah to travel to another country, over a weekend to be a
3 months ago