Ok, My Birthday, the day of my birthday we didn't do anything for my birthday. Me and mom got up early and went in to Jess's house, and then went to the zoo with Jess & the kids (which I'll write about later). Then after we got home we got ready for church (camp), we did celebrate on Saturday though (day after my b-day), We all (mom dad me Jess Bill Kids Tonya Craig) went to LaRosa's for lunch (my choice) then came back to our house for ice cream cake (i have pics of this somewhere on this computer too, maybe I'll hunt them down! lol) i got a card from my parents with 50 bucks and a card from Bill & Jess. Tonya & Craig still had to buy something, and Jess and Bill's present was ordered. I got Tonya & Craig's gift (card with 2o dollar Cato gift card inside) Sunday at camp. I spent it today by the way on a shirt & shoes. Jess & Bill ordered me a TCCNHS (The Christ College of Nursing & Health Sciences) hoody that i had wanted, but it was too big so they're exchanging it. Mom and dad also ordered me a cedar chest which I got Tuesday, it's really nice. I took of pic of the chest but it's still on my camera. Umm ok yeah that's all about my b-day it was pretty nice overall I guess, rather spread out! lol..
The zoo.. well like i said before we went on my birthday, a Friday. We got there at a lil after 11 to find out all the zoo lots were taken and we had to park in the overflow lot, fun stuff, so we parked loaded up the kids, and carried our many coolers with our picnic lunch. Come to find out it was half price day! So the zoo was packed with people, for that reason, plus it was the last opportunity before school started for many. So there was WAY too many people for our liking, the kids didn't mind though. The picnic area was across the zoo from where we were so we, like other people, ate our lunch on a patio of a restauraunt. Oh, yeah you know how the zoo always has lots of peacocks walking around? Well, they had BABIES! little babies and medium size and big babies. They were SO cute! lol, and the kids were fascinated. Brice loved watching them and pointing "Look" and Cam, well he tried to catch him one. lol... after that, we didn the typical things i guess. Cat house, monkeys, Oh, Sedona had to go into the "spider house" aka bug building... yeah those things were SOO gross, and of course she had to ask me what EVERY SINGLE bug was...lol thank God for name tags! umm, the kids road the carousel, oh, when we were walking up to it it was empty but the gate was open and there was a huge line of people waiting to get on, well all Sedona saw was the open gate and ran in and was choosing her animal "i want to ride the shark" well mom keeps telling me to get her but "ain't no way" i'm letting them think she's mine! (embarrassing) so Jess ended up getting her...after all she is her kid.. we rode the train, and Sedona had to have a stuffed peacock from the gift shop... I have pics from the zoo and etc below
Even though I didn't include it in title our church camp, Comargo, was last week. We went every night except Saturday. It was good, good services etc. the speakers were John Parker & Archie Atwell...the services always went LONG but otherwise good, going every night got tiring but it was sad to see camp end. I'm excited about next year though, sounds like a good line up of speakers.
Well, much to my chagrin Orientation week finally arrived! It started, however, with a riverboat cruise on Wednesday, I picked up my friend Lalia, from GBS and we rode together. The ride went pretty well, we had to sit at our advisor's table, which i LOVE my advisor he is SO funny and cool... lol.. I did meet a few people however in my group which was nice, one girl is going to GBS as well as Christ College, so that was cool, we hung out the rest of the ride, because i couldn't find Lalia! lol... Thursday started real orienation I picked up Lalia at GBS and headed over to Christ College, it started at 9. Well I sorta parked inthe wrong garage, i parked in this creepy patient garage, orientation went better than i expected though. wasn't that boring or scary. went over to wendy's at the hospital for lunch, where we saw Stephanie J. in her nursing attire... yeah pretty much all, except the parking situation is really confusing... yeah i'll figure it out sometime hopefully probably by graduation! lol... I spent Thursday night & Tonya & Craig's apartment so i wouldn't have to get up so early on Friday! Friday, Lalia drove us. and my brother in law Bill stopped by GBS on his way to work (at Christ Hospital) to show us where to park and etc. that was nice and helped! lol, thanks big brother! Orientation was from 8 am to 11:30 am on friday was was SOOO boring!!! lol... after that we stopped by GBS to get my stuff and so lalia could get lunch and we headed to Eastgate. We stopped by post office then headed to mall. i got lunch in food court and she ate her late tray food from school. Then we headed to the lovely uniform store so she could get her nursing supplies from school. A guy from our class was in there as well, so we talked to him.... then off to walmart then back to mall just to walk around..that was fun.. next time we need to bring cameras..lol.. well that's pretty much it... today was pretty normal i guess. dad was gone at a transmission seminar... umm yeah...
I though I should post before school starts and life gets extra busy! Our classes start Monday but I don't have Mon. classes so I start Tuesday. If you think about it pray for me, nursing school is going to be a lot different than GBS, I'm worried about clinicals!
Well, i better go, it's late and i have to get stuff done....
if i find those pics I'll post them.
1 comment:
how are you liking nursing school so far? it will go by fast. enjoyed your pictures. :)
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