Well, I've been really busy lately, no time to blog. Well the time i did have to "waste" i wasted on other stuff aka facebook etc. I thought since I do have all the rest of the day, I should blog, so here I am..... Well first I guess should be school. School is goin pretty well. Of course it's a TON of work & like i told an old friend the other day (who is not in nursing school but is goin 2 the cincy police academy sometime soon) that i could work 24/7 and still have work to do, and that is no exaggeration!!! I'm not complaining though, I do enjoy it, sometimes, it certainly is more fufilling that just sitting at home reading books (what i did this summer). And maybe I'm weird but i feel so satisfied to scratch somethin off my to-do list! I'm not sure if i ever put on here my classes so i'll do it now, not that you care, but.... anyways NONE on Mondays, Every other Tuesday morning i have Academic & Life Transitions (basically a required college success course), Then every Tuesday I have Anatomy & Physiology then after that lab, then at 1:50 i'm done, Wednesdays is clinicals from 7 am to 1:30 pm... they've been goin pretty well so far, I have a good clinical group and i like my instructor... we haven't really done a lot with the patients yet, but we're supposed to be on our unit (floor) 3 hours next week... fun fun...and did i mention the *sarcastic tone of voice* lovely!!! dress i have to wear?? Truly lovely..i don't have a pic of me wearing it (cuz i live alone and don't think my camera has self timer) oh well, you're not missing much! lol..if i ever do get a pic i'll post it.... Thursdays i have a nursing class....Foundations of Nursing Practice ..something like that first thing..then lovely A & P again then Concepts for Nursing Practice or something like that.... Fridays- First thing Foundations again then 3 hour break (where i go home, eat lunch, and practice in skills lab) then Nursing Health Assessment. SO yep that might not sound like a lot but it's a load! It's hard to believe it's almost October already...pretty soon it will be Christmas break and I'll have 1 semester of nursing school over with *yeah* then ... 4 more to go (i think & that's including summer semester)... Anyways skills lab is a room at the college set up like a hospital room (it's really cool actually) with maniquins that you can practice skills on... we have to have 8 hours in this semester! so i've been practicing every friday for an hour with lalia, and i've included some pics of when we practiced puttin on PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), :) fun... She took some on her camera of us practicing bed baths (on maniquins of course) and if she emails them to me i might them up... anyways enough about school....
What else.... well a few weekends ago (i don't think i posted this) i went out with some of my old friends (Katie, Piepie and Santiago). It was a RAINY day, but it had stopped raining so we went putt putt of course the course was soaked..... I think I actually WON, first time in my life! lol...that was fun.... like yeah Piepie hit her ball across this creek into the water and Santi had to rescue it... he rescued us many times... Until like 1 hole from the end i lost mine in the pond :( oh well.. It was fun, nevertheless... i don't have pics tho cuz there on katie's camera and she never emailed them.... after that we still had time (it was a friday and they had to be back at school by 10 cuz katie had to be somewhere), so we went 2 the mall (much to santi's dispair of course, lol) we just walked around mainly, but we did try hats on at dillards (see pics below) and me & katie rode the roller coaster ride thing then me and santi did... so we had fun, but yeah i spent the rest of the weekend doin homework to make up for it! *sigh*
Oh, In dillards katie ran up the down escalator i caught the end of it on video on my phone, i might try to post that in a different post...
Oh, i FINALLY moved into my apartment!!! Last week.... we moved in monday since we didn't have electric so dad and craig couldn't work... i didn't stay here till tuesday night tho, at first cuz i didn't wanna stay here w/o electric but tuesday i'm like i'm NOT getting up at 5 to drive in 4 clinicals wednesday so i toughed it out w/o electric the rest of the week... it made me appreciate electric a LOT more than i did! I know all of yaal know about the storm/hurricane causing the power outage so i won't tell you again, actually we were in west virginia when it hit so all we got back there was some wind. we came home (sunday night) to no power... got up monday and moved into my apt. My older sister (with the 3 kids) & her husband had their electric back on but none of the rest of us...mom and dad got theres on tuesday morning but i didn't get mine (and my other sis too) till friday afternoon, talk about frustrating... i had to eat out like everymeal!!! that had some good parts tho... i got to know my friend lalia a lot better (since we ate together) & we have fun at the mexican restauraunt (twice) *wink*wink* oh and there was the "episode" with the honduran dude in kmart parking lot! lol.... and we found out you have to pay for mcdonald's wifi.... oh well...
about the apartment, i LOVE it!!! it's really small just a kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom, but its plenty big enough for just me. I really like it now that i have electric and can cook my meals rather than going out... oh and studying by electric rather than candle & flashlight is nice too... i've heard shots at least one night just down the road... it was after dark and heard like 6 or 7 consecutive popping sounds.. i DIDN'T look out the window, but i've heard it before and it was identified as shots..one night that happened twice like maybe 30 min apart.. so that's a lil scary, i was more scared though last week when i had to leave my windows open for air & some windows don't have screens.... whenever i take pics of the apt. i'll post them so you can see....
well, i can't think of anything else to say, off the top of my head, so i better go, i have a NUR 100 (concepts of nursing practice) test/exam tomorrow i definately have 2 study a ton for, plus i have to read A & P and take the pre test online...and yeah i think that's it but it's enough... and i would like to clean my apt but we'll see if there's time...oh and yeah i'm fixin a chicken pot pie 4 supper *yumm* loooky @ my pics below:
Me wearin PPE in skills lab
Lalia, PPE on
At the mall, Piepie, katie, Me
My shirt is wet because 1- it had started drizzling b4 we left putt putt and 2- on the fake waterfall at the putt putt place, santi kinda threw water one me......of course later (when he wan't suspecting) i retaliated and got him went too!
We look French according to katie, and we're all wearing these hats differently...whos right?? not me i'm sure
The best pic :) We coaxed Santi to try the purple hat on and take a pic....but the sales lady saw us! lol and as we passed her to leave (later) she's like you girls didn't make him get that hat.... lol we found it funny dunno about santi tho...
Update on the deck, i came home one weekend to find these, as i called them "pillars to the heavens" on the deck... since then the cement has been poured, the deck has been made 1 level (it was 2 levels), and some of the floor is on... i'll post another later when there is more progress...
and also, comments would be nice if anyone reads this *hint*hint*
1 comment:
ok - i get the hint! :) Good post. I like reading your blog - very newsy! It's cool! Glad things are working out with you and school and your apartment. :P
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