Hey All! Like my title says, it's been a while. Life has just gotten SOO crazy busy!!! This week is finals week, the 2 hard ones were yesterday and today, so today i sit in relief. I have one more test, but's its just an exam I need to study for it (it's tomorrow) but i'm not worried about it. I know i'm behind in blogging and seriously i don't remember what all has happened, but I thought i would blog this, so when i go home for break i'll blog other stuff: thanksgiving, christmas banquet at church. So as not to overwhelm yaal with tons of new stuff... lol...
Sometime way back when it was WARM outside, we had "bonfire". Actually it was just burning our brushpile, but Sedona wanted a "bonfire" so we obtainted a "burning permit" (stupid, we used to be able to just burn the stuff but now... oh well) anyways, and they (jess, bill, the kids) came out on a Friday night. So we burned the brush pile for the kids, ordered pizza, and Sedona spent the night. She's only spent the night maybe once before when she was REALLY, and they were in the hospital after Cam was born. It was interesting :) Sedona slept with me, and okay i have a queen size bed, but she had to sleep RIGHT up next to me, when i told her to scoot over she'd scoot over 2 inches... oh well. Saturday she helped Mama and Aunt Tonya paint a building Dad and craig built for the 4 wheelers etc (i never told yaal about the building, they build it from scratch, no kit or anything) it looks cool. anyways yeah ... umm that's about it. I'm trying to get out of my habit of writing a TON with every post, since yaal like pics not reading long posts. So, my last final is tomorrow and 8 am. then i will have 3 weeks of GLORIOUS freedom *sigh of relief*... so i'll post about Thanksgivin & the Christmas dinner sometime later.... Enjoy the pics:
Brice,playing in the driveway. He LOVED the gravel!
Running around, he wouldn't cooperate to take a pic
Me & Brice walkin out into the field to see the fire
Sedona cheesin with the cat/kitten we adopted for a while. well, it kinda just showed up so i fed it until dad got rid of it. It was simply called "kitty" although sedona wanted to name it "pluto"
Personally, i think this pic is adorable!
The fire. This was after it died down a lil, it was HUGE when dad lit it!
headin back to the house, it's hard to walk and take a pic at the same time
I think he was laughing at me...
Ready 4 supper -pizza
Sedona with a "table" from the pizza box
Ready 2 paint on Saturday. with my socks on and dad's tee shirt (he never wears short sleeves, but it's a shirt he got free at a transmission seminar or somethin...)
Sedona hard at work painting...
you should have seen that brush when she was done! Lol... she went down lines then back up .. needless to say the brush went in the trash :)