Hey All,
I realized I haven't blogged in 5 weeks and thought "I really need to blog", so here I am. Unfortunately I am at school, in a break between classes, so I cannot post pics....
However, I AM still alive!!! I survived last semester (Spring Semester of nursing school)... it was tough & needless to say I was VERY VERY VERY SICK of Anatomy & physiology by the time I finished, but I did finish! I survived finals week & actually passed all my finals I think! I am very glad this semester is over!
After this semester ended, we had a week off... this was more than we had off ALL semester, so it was VERY nice! Our spring break was a Friday & Monday off (and I already had Fridays off)... my very great friend Lalia came home with me for part of break (bcuz her parents are in Florida & she couldn't go home, and I didn't want her to have to stay in GBS dorm all break)... so we had SO much fun! :) relaxing... goofing off.. getting in trouble *wink*...
One of our "getting in trouble" parts was on Saturday we wanted to work outside, so we were told to pick up branches in the treeline... well we got EVERYTHING pretty much & wanted to move on to another area... well dad had told me to tell him & he would move the truck... I'm like .. "why can't i move the truck, i've driven it before??" ... well, dad & craig was down at a neighbor's & we didn't know when they would be back... so i decided to move the truck.. mind you this is not a nice new truck... rather an OLD (1979) brown chevy...but it's still fun to drive *wink* ...so i slowly drove it.. so as not to hit the "play house" or electric line in the side yard where it was... well i got kinda in between the playhouse & line so i wouldn't hit either one & got to the ditch.. umm....well.. i couldn't move.... i tried goin forward & it spun... i tried movin backwards & spun.. i tried this for a while & gave up.. Me & lalia walked over to where Tonya & mom were... well, I came to find out .. craig got his truck stuck back in our neighbor's field... i was SOOO excited... and when i told lalia she was SOO excited.. cuz we thought we were in so much trouble & we're like YAY we can't get in trouble now... when dad came back somehow we got the truck right out... obviously i don't know anything about getting trucks un-stuck... and craig's truck needed a little more help ... :)
Anyways, that was one of our adventures... we also got shots for school, i got a TB test (a yearly thing for people in the medical profession)... went shopping... read a LOT of books for fun... went "walmart" shopping twice with mom & jess & the kids... and ... lots more..i got a lot accomplished & had so much fun!
School started for summer semester this week, Monday... I don't have monday classes.. and my Tuesday class was canceled cuz the teacher wasn't here... so i didn't start till Wednesday 2 days ago... i have 2 classes... Fine Arts & Microbiology (and lab)... I think they're going to be pretty interesting.. although the way i hear it Micro is really hard!....
Well, that's about it for now! I'll post later with pics when I can!
~My birthday, Baby Stella Rose's birth Story!!, Kimberly hemorrhages on us
2Xs, sweet pics of both babies!~
~A couple more pics of Phillip in Colombia.~
*~As I said in my last post, *
*The Lord allowed Noah to travel to another country, over a weekend to be a
3 months ago
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