Well, the last few weeks of summer semester were CRAZY busy!!! We had tons of papers & projects to do in those last few weeks, I thought I was gonna die & never get it done... plus we had finals on top of papers... But w/ God's help, I made it.... got it all done, did great on finals, and got all A's (in all 2 of my classes! lol) .. I am in NO way taking credit for the A's... w/o God i definately couldn't have done it!!! Just for the record, they weren't nursing classes, just gen ed.. Fine Arts & Microbiology (w/ lab)....
2 weekends before school let out my great friend Lalia came over for the weekend (bcuz it was the last she could come b4 school was out, the nxt wknd was West Virginia for us)... She came over and we had a fun time :) .. that Saturday I had to go to the Art Museum w/ my Arts class & to pick out a painting for our paper for that class (that I had a week to do, not procrastination on my part, he just posted the guidelines then 4 the paper)... after that we ate at Sonic & met some of my family at the mall.... Actually we met mom & tonya who had sedona w/ them... we hung out w/ sedona :-)...then other random stuff for that weekend...
Anyways, Finally school let out for summer... a surreal feeling let me tell you and i am/was OFFICIALLY halfway DONE w/ nursing school.... so now i admit i am PROUD of the fact that I am a 2nd year! I'm looking forward to the beginning of school cruise where this year I'll be a 2nd year & know a lotta stuff, whereas just last year i was this scared 1st year who didn't know anything!... did that sound really immature?? i hope not! lol...
Summer hasn't been TOO eventful! A lot of relaxing & reading books & etc! My first week off however, my brother in law, Bill, had to go on a trip for work & my sister, jess needed my help w/ the kiddies... So of course i went and stayed the week w/ her... i didn't go insane like i originially thought I would (as much as i love those kids)... and i learned a LOT about raising kids! lol.. I didn't take many pics... but i took a few... On the Wednesday of that week we took the kids to the Cincy Museum Center (Kids museum & science museum) I did snap a few pics on that day...
Cam in the van.. it was still parked in the garage btw I (or Jess) do not let the kids run around w/o seatbelts while driving like some people do that I see ...
"Riding" the bus at the children's museum...
That next week on Tuesday evening we babysat the kids so Jess n Bill could go out ALONE for supper! I decided to do a "photoshoot" (and i use that term loosely i do NOT claim to be one of those aspiring photographers that we have soo many of now, i simply mean grab my camera & take some pics of the kids in places i tell them to stand, sit etc)... Anyways when i got the brilliant idea, i was gonna take pics of sedona but by the time i got my camera and came back outside she didn't wanna take pics so Cam was there and willing... and Brice is always ready to say "cheese"...
By the way, I did take other pics but I just included the best ones on here...Most of them are on my FB if you wanna see more...

So, back to my summer... one other week Bill was gone just one night, so i spent the night again.... we have to do 360 NCLEX (big state board test we have to pass after grad to be RNs) style questions and get an 80% or above this summer before we can start next year (no, we never get a true total "break")...i started these one day and got 2 REALLY horrible scores! i began thinking what if i can't pass these??? later that week I prayed before starting, and made it my goal just to pass 100... and PRAISE GOD he helped me get an 81%!!! I tried more today and got a bad grade on some, but then got an 81% on 100 more! So 200 down, 160 to go :-)...
Well, that's pretty much it.... summer's goin great, can't believe i've been off school a month already!!!
I'll try to post pics of Brice's party sometime.. even though they are WAY late they still r cute...
oh, and i'm sure you all know this already but I'm gonna be an aunt again in September... It's a boy.... But it's by Tonya & Craig this time (finally) so that's exciting :-)
Well, that's all for now.... hope you enjoyed
1 comment:
hey ruth ann - thanks for updating! Congrats on getting your two summer classes done! I'm sure that feels good. And good sunset pic! I just drove back from Charleston on Tuesday and I was snapping pictures too of the sunset! ;) And congrats on being an aunt again! Fun! :)
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