Next Tuesday we're leaving on vacation, so i thought i would post before then.. well it's not like we'll be gone for ages .. we're leavin tuesday and coming back friday. We're going to the standard place - Gatliburg/Pigeon Forge...a lot of people once there a teen are so tired of that place, but since the first time I was there was in ... 8th grade maybe... I haven't had time to get tired of it yet... I love that place! There is so much to do and it's so much fun... anyways it's just gonna be mom, dad, and me.. my cousin was supposed to go with us (since the last 2 yrs it's been just my parents and me) but something happened and she couldn't go & all my other options are busy (seeing as how this week is AYC & Athens) .... so its just us 3 ... anyways that should be fun anyway and i'll post after we get back....
So, I got new sunglasses yesterday! Like em? They had biggers ones which I liked too but i settled for these ones....
Thursday, Tonya, Mom, and I were gonna go to this outside mall place in Kentucky with Jess & the kids. We were going cuz Jess was gonna get pics of Brice at this place that develops them in 2 hours so you can shop while you wait and bring the pics home with you. Well we arrived at Jessica's house early (cuz i had drug test for school earlier and we had xtra time) and she's like guess what? Brice is sick! He had a fever, which he was just sick a few wks ago... so, i immediately had this feeling oh no! i got up extremely early for nothing cuz usually my bro in law Bill does not let his kids go out anywhere when they have a fever.... we decided to go on down to the mall place and just not take Brice's pics.... So we arrived down there but ate first, and rather eat at one of the pricey mall restauraunts, we found a Taco Bell.... the mall is one of those outdoor ones, not an outlet mall, but kinda like's one of those modern outdoor malls...which i thought it was really cool except almost all the stores were REALLY expensive!!! ... Well Sedona has been my buddy lately, and she sorta made a game out of goin in and out of the stores...i liked just looking around the expensive stores and she did too apparently..she was so cute like "Let's go in another store, Bubby (that's what the kids call me)"... so we were lookin at the clearance rack at this real expensive store..just mom, me, and sedona were in there and i look up and Sedona found a black hat laying on a display table thing and had it on her just cracked me up, plus she just looked so adorable...i had stashed my camera in my purse so I whipped it out and the result is below! The only prob is she wouldn't show me her face for the pic but you get the idea :)
Later, when we were headed to the van to leave I decided to take Sedona's pic in front of the "pretty flowers" ... she decided to block the sun from her eyes (it was one of those extremely hot, humid, sunny days.....
So, i convinced her to let me take a pic w/o the hand and the result is below, I think it's pretty cute..Tonya frenchbraided her turned out pretty good although you can't tell from the pic..
Well, that's all for this time. I was gonna take a pic of my school bag and include it, but I haven't been feelin the greatest this afternoon and didn't want to make a unnecessary trip up the steps to take the pic, so i'll post it later.... well i have to go know, it's stormin and i don't want the electric to go off (including internet) b4 i get this thing posted....also i have to get ready for church :) so i'll write after vaca...