Have you ever got one of those "this is not a chain letter" chain letters that say if you send one of these things to this person and send out 6 letters you'll get 36 of whatever you sent out? Well i got one a few summers ago, that was flip flops....and what normal teenage girl wouldn't like 36 pairs of flip flops for the price of 1? so i did it! .. i didn't get 36 pair, but i did get 4 or 5!...Well i found most of these flip flops the other day while cleaning out under my bed..*cough*cough*..anyway i decided i would wear some and through others away... well this past Saturday I put a tootsie roll pair of flip flops on..dad dropped me and mom off at the mall so he could go to Harbor Freight... So i stepped out of the car...and my food/ankle turned sideways kinda... so i straightened my food and everything was fine..until i discovered this maneuver had destroyed my poor flip flop! It totally yanked the plastic thing that holds the shoe on out of the shoe! The sides of it were still attached, but the center thingy was loose! So a mixture of panic, embarrassment, and humor struck me! I think mom was just embarrassed! So i was standing on the sidewalk/entrance thingy to the foodcourt of Eastgate mall wearing one flip flop holding the other in my hand while trying to fix it...also, at this point I think i was kinda laughing...anyway mom was totally embarrassed. she told me "those boys are laughing at you" i looked over and 3 little maybe 10 year old boys were sitting on the curb all looking over at me...well of course i didn't care that the lil guys were finding my situation humorous cuz i was too, so this just made me laugh harder... well i didn't get the shoe fixed, but mom suggested we move inside and fix it there..so i scooted into the mall and sat at the closest table to the door...mom threatened to sit at another table but she stuck with me! So i worked and worked and FINALLY got the plastic thingy through the lil hole..but i soon discovered i had put it on twisted..so it was REALLY uncomfortable...so needless to say we headed straight to buy a new pair of flip flops..mom bought me this really nice, comfortable pair..which now she says i broke the shoe just to get new ones..but i didn't i promise! Oh, by the way....as soon as i bought the new shoes i changed and my old shoes in the new box went into the trash can at the mall!!! ... So why do these things always happen to me, while I did find it humorous.... mom says i'm like tonya (my sis)... one time a long time ago she had just washed her hair and it was down to dry (i don't remember this btw it's just what i've been told) so, her freshly clean hair was down and she was making a cake or something in the mixer..well somehow her hair got in the mixer all mixed up with the cake mix..needless to say she wasn't happy .. but then that reminds me of a story of myself..several years ago mom told me to sweep under the bird cage with the lil handheld "Dirt Devil" so i did it kneeling on the floor sweeping, but my hair was down...the sweeper somehow found my hair and when mom came in the sweeper was up to my head, with all my hair inside...mom started dying laughing and i was NOT happy...but the problem was easily fixed i turned off the sweeper and my hair came right out...anyway i'm sure i could go on for hours with these stories, but I know you don't want to listen for hours!
Well, contrary to what it my seem, I am a patriotic person! You should see my room at home, as much patriotic stuff as I can squeeze in...well not quite, but you get my point!... anyways we didn't do much this July 4th... it was a strange July 4th actually with all the rain...the day was pretty normal actually, the only out of the ordinary thing we did was meet in town (Eastgate) at ryans for a family supper (with all 10 of us) .. then afterward we all came back to our house where we just hung out. The "guys", Dad and my brothers-in-law, Bill & Craig got on the internet on my laptop downstairs and were watching tractor/truck pulls, cars, and monster trucks on youtube.... mostly, i played with the kids...i watched, actually, sedona and cam play with my old toys upstairs, which of course they wouldn't share with their lil brother, brice... later somehow sedona got interested in what the guys were doin on my computer and then cam did too...so both of them were occupied with that...actually for a while it was just them and their "uncle craig" who both of them are "scared of" so during this time my youngest nephew, brice took advantage of their being occupied by playing with the toys all by himself! ... There was fireworks at different places around us outside, but I didn't get to see any because i was watching Brice, and the kids were scared of them...like Cam (3 yrs old) said he was "scared from the fireworks"....
Wow...this post looks so long already..lol prolly cuz the font is bold..oh well...On July 4th after we ate I rode with my sis Jess & her husband Bill and the kids back to our house...we had to run past their house first to get the kids' pjs but i thought i would tell you some cute stuff Sedona (4 yrs) was saying... she was talking about when thunder woke her up in her bed, I asked her was she scared? She says "No, God helps me!" I said "God helps you?" She says, "Yeah, God helps me. Jesus doesn't help me but God helps me!" Another thing she told me was "They made us, so they like us!" I was like "they like us, huh?" also she said, "Jesus lived here once" and "I don't know what God looks like!" My reply, "neither do I" ... her daddy says her theology needs some help...but "out of the mouth of babes".....
Well..you've already heard some about my weekend... My dad, sister, Jess, and I sang at church Sunday night..i think it went pretty well considering..... well let's just say that God helped us!! Brother Eisenhart gave a wonderful sermon on Worrying! I think God is trying to tell me something because my Oswald Chambers devotional from Friday night was on worrying! Seriously though, I do tend to be big worrier! But for the record, God has helped me SO much this summer with it....
Well...I think this post is quite long enough..below are some pics from July 4th...
Well, contrary to what it my seem, I am a patriotic person! You should see my room at home, as much patriotic stuff as I can squeeze in...well not quite, but you get my point!... anyways we didn't do much this July 4th... it was a strange July 4th actually with all the rain...the day was pretty normal actually, the only out of the ordinary thing we did was meet in town (Eastgate) at ryans for a family supper (with all 10 of us) .. then afterward we all came back to our house where we just hung out. The "guys", Dad and my brothers-in-law, Bill & Craig got on the internet on my laptop downstairs and were watching tractor/truck pulls, cars, and monster trucks on youtube.... mostly, i played with the kids...i watched, actually, sedona and cam play with my old toys upstairs, which of course they wouldn't share with their lil brother, brice... later somehow sedona got interested in what the guys were doin on my computer and then cam did too...so both of them were occupied with that...actually for a while it was just them and their "uncle craig" who both of them are "scared of" so during this time my youngest nephew, brice took advantage of their being occupied by playing with the toys all by himself! ... There was fireworks at different places around us outside, but I didn't get to see any because i was watching Brice, and the kids were scared of them...like Cam (3 yrs old) said he was "scared from the fireworks"....
Wow...this post looks so long already..lol prolly cuz the font is bold..oh well...On July 4th after we ate I rode with my sis Jess & her husband Bill and the kids back to our house...we had to run past their house first to get the kids' pjs but i thought i would tell you some cute stuff Sedona (4 yrs) was saying... she was talking about when thunder woke her up in her bed, I asked her was she scared? She says "No, God helps me!" I said "God helps you?" She says, "Yeah, God helps me. Jesus doesn't help me but God helps me!" Another thing she told me was "They made us, so they like us!" I was like "they like us, huh?" also she said, "Jesus lived here once" and "I don't know what God looks like!" My reply, "neither do I" ... her daddy says her theology needs some help...but "out of the mouth of babes".....
Well..you've already heard some about my weekend... My dad, sister, Jess, and I sang at church Sunday night..i think it went pretty well considering..... well let's just say that God helped us!! Brother Eisenhart gave a wonderful sermon on Worrying! I think God is trying to tell me something because my Oswald Chambers devotional from Friday night was on worrying! Seriously though, I do tend to be big worrier! But for the record, God has helped me SO much this summer with it....
Well...I think this post is quite long enough..below are some pics from July 4th...
I was laughing at you and your sister's hair escapades. I remember one time I was at the orthodontist and my hair got rolled up in the chair. Yeah, it was bad! Needless to say, I now braid my hair and make sure it is far away from the evil roller part of the chair! Enjoyed all the pictures of your nieces and nephews!
hey, just saw your comment. welcome to blog world! looking forward to keeping up with yours. :)
Hey don't feel bad about the flip flop incident! When I was on my senior trip at the Wilds, we had a game we played where at certain parts of a story everyone had to get up and move. During one of these moves, my flip flops did the exact same thing because some guy stepped on my foot! So I was hopping around trying to get in a seat so I didn't look stupid! (a little too late I think lol) and I shoved the plastic thing back down inside my flip flop... lol... I felt sooo stupid. (Some of the guys were cute too ha!)
lol! thats just your luck!! well i didn't exactly feel bad about it...lol i was like dying laughing and mom was all embarrassed! its a memory i'll never forget!
So happy I found your blog!
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