So, Wednesday I was informed we were putting the garden in that night, and ALL of us had to help get it done!! Now you're probably thinking, It's July?? Why are you just NOW putting a garden in? Well i have perfectly good excuses for that!! If you live anywhere around Cincinnati, you'll know it rains just about every day here....(which gets annoying after a while)...the dirt where we live isn't very good and the field, where Craig wanted to put the garden just lays in water! Since it hadn't rained for a few days and was supposed to rain again the next day, we had no choice, but to put the garden in! Just to clarify, I wanted to go to church, but according to dad, I HAD to help with the garden! *grumble*....The guy down the road plowed it for us, which a charge of course. So Craig & Tonya (my sis & her husband), started spreading, oh i forget what it's called, but that stuff that helps a garden grow better lol... and then they stringed a line thingy up, well i'm sure yaal know how to put a garden in...anyway dad started planting that tomato plants while I sat in a chair and watched...Everyone else was working so I quickly decided that I should help too, so I started helping dad by handing him the tomato plants, which I got bored about halfway down the row...Tonya & Craig worked on planting the hot peppers, green bell peppers, and okra...after we got all this done we stopped for supper! We drove down to the hot dog stand (well it's called a dairy bar i think) not too far from our house, then came back and finished up... we in other stuff such as: corn, green beans, cucumber, squash, zucchini, onions etc... at this point i just helped fill up the water can and water the new plants...another guy down the road, Jeff, who LOVES to talk came down and kept us company! lol...that's about it... i caught this cute lil baby frog....and got TONS of mosquito bites, since we were in the field till after dark!...

Tonya spreading the fertilizer (see i remembered what it's called)

Dad plantin tomatoes!

Me with a tomato plant! See, i told you i got bored!! lol

Mom carrying water to water the tomatoes...

lol..this is dad...he found a way to shield himself from the sun apparently! See it was really hot and sunny out....

Tonya & Craig plantin okra ...

So i couldn't resist havin my pic taken on this tractor...it's not actually ours it belongs to Jeff, the guy down the road, dad says he'll buy it if he gets it running, but since it's been sittin there like a year i don't think he's gonna fix it! Anyway after i got off that thing my hands were like black! and I discovered it's a Ford tractor!

This is the cute lil froggy i found...i took this pic just as he plunged off my hand to the field below...

This is just me...I was trying to get a pic of me wearin a new shirt I had bought...this actually was a diff. day than the garden happenings, but I thought I would include it, I have several more (lol), but if you wanna see them go to my facebook....
Well that's it for now, hope you have enjoyed this post, a lil more interesting than last time i think.... I hope everybody has a good 4th of July, today!
Gardens are a lot of work, but so yummy when they start yeilding. We just got ours in a week or two ago - so no worries! :)
About time you get this thing up and going. Glad to hear from you, keep in touch.
Great to hear from you! You still have your beautiful smile! Stay connected! God Bless!
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