beautiful West Virginia
Exactly a week ago today, to the minute, I was standing in a HUGE line waiting for the doors to open to the McCain/Palin rally at Lunken Airport, Cincy. Many thanks to my friend, Piepie who informed me of the rally. She called me Monday night and left a message (since I missed the call) askin if I'd be interested in going and driving her. I was of course, but Wednesdays are my clincal days from 7 am to 1:30 pm and i was afraid i wouldn't be able to go. I was delighted to find out that the doors didn't open till 3:30 and the "show" didn't start till 5:30 and of course the 2 main people weren't supposed to show up till later. So, I decided to go. I got home from clincials and quickly changed clothes. Then me and Piepie headed out. I was a little worried about finding the right place once I arrived at the airport and i shouldn't have worried we were there nearly an hour an a half before the gates opened but there were already a LOT in line, plus more arriving, and tons of vendors of McCain/Palin items. I FINALLY found a place to park, me and Piepie bought buttons (see pic below) then started walkin towards the line, we stopped again to buy tee shirts (the Road to Victory Mccain Palin rally tee shirt) for only $5 each!! Finally we got into line and surprisingly the time passed quickly. The gates didn't open right at 3:30 (does anything happen on time?) but they did eventually then we went through security. We had to take off all buttons, metal items that we could. Turn on all electronics. and put our purses or bags down to be looked through, then walk through a metal detector thing. Yeah, i made it through w/o making the thing beep! lol :). We then walked into the hangar where the rally was held. We found a place to stand, pretty close to the front, when you look at the whole spectrum. lol. We were maybe 10-15 rows of tightly packed standing people back. My pics (below) make it look like we are way far away, but a lot of people who have pics that look closer were farther behind us they just must have cameras that zoom in more than mine. Oh well. We stood and stood and stood. My feet were KILLING me!!! They had just gotten un-sore (lol) from a 5+ mile walk i did the previous Satruday (the 18th) for Autism Awareness (for school). of course the thing didn't start on time. when it did some women who have some small political offices in Cincy talked then some guy talked (don't know who he was ) just enough to get us all rallied up and excited then they put on that stupid music that they played the whole 2 hours before the thing started, and made us wait, talk about a let down. FINALLY they showed, on the big screen, a plane landing. Once it got closer we could see the side of it, it proudly said "Mccain-Palin". So of course the crowd got SOOO excited, we waited and waited but no one got off, so back to the waiting game. Eventually country singer, Gretchen Wilson showed up with her band and sang "redneck woman" not my favorite singer or song, but oh well... then during her song they showed on the screen another plane landing this one with just "Mccain" on the side. we all got excited again. but this was the real deal. It took forever for all those secret service or whoever they were to get off but after what seemed like hours FINALLY John McCain and Sarah Palin (and spouses) accompanied by Rob Portman (i think) got off. I cannot tell you how excited that crowd was. I joined the rest in screamin at the top of my lungs for them, lol, it was SO FUN! Rob Portman introduced the first speaker, Cindy Mccain, after her SARAH then john mccain, then of course it was over. So i didn't get to meet them actually but i saw them and it was SO exciting. I went to a Bush rally in 2004 the day before the election, that was my first experience at anything like this and i LOVED, i was like one of Bush's biggest fans/supporters. this rally was totally different, i think the excitement level was MUCH higher and much more and louder screams at the Mccain rally, and it seemed like more people, but there was more entertainment at the Bush rally, it seemed like we walked in and didn't wait long and then everything started. oh well they both were awesome experiences. I've been wanting to go to a McCain palin rally after seeing everyone else's pics and am so glad i finally got the opportunity. see the pics below
Ok, what else. School has been ok. lately i've been getting overwhelmed and kind of depressed. I think I'm just ready for a break, I mean there was fall break, but how is 2-3 days a break when you have 2 exams and a project due right after it? I'm looking forward to thanksgiving break, but even more to Christmas Break!! YEAH..
I went 2 west virginia since i posted last. It was SOOO much fun. My cousin, Sierra, was home on Saturday, she had a competetion but it got canceled. So we went 2 the flea market Saturday mornin, and went 2 walmart saturday night. SO MUCH FUN! we tried on halloween masks and etc and had just so much fun. ok i admit i didn't act my age, but hey it's all in fun. i didn't post any pics of the walmart trip or flea market cuz i got tired of posting pics and doubt many people read this or even care. but if yaal wanna see just let me know (in comments) and i'll post them sometime. sunday mornin was church, i LOVE their new pastor. they finally have a good man as their pastor! their last 2 pastors, have been not so great women. dad took us on a 4 wheeler ride that afternoon, that was fun like always. I did post a few pics below of my grandparents from our trip but that and the scenery pic above is all.
Fall Break, like i mentioned, was a few weeks ago. That Tuesday i went walmart shopping with mom, jess, and the kids, like we do in summer (they still do know, i just don't go) so that was fun i posted a few pics of the kids i got from that day.
Well, of course i could think of more but i'm sure you've read enough, or most prolly just skip the reading and look at pics. i should go anyway i have homework to do before tomorrow.
Oh, Jess and bill & the kids r comin out Friday night we're gonna have a "Bonfire" because Sedona wants one, then sedona is spending the night, with me! fun stuff! lol should be interesting.
Also, don't forget to VOTE Tuesday. Speaking of which, i went to bob evans saturday evening with my parents. i wore my Mccain Palin pin i got at the rally. the manager lady who seated us asked me after we were seated, "can i ask you a question?" "why are you voting for mccain" i got scared thinking she was gonna yell at me but she went on "I'm an undecided voter, trying to figure out who to vote for". so me and dad preceded to tell her a few reasons we were voting for him (most of them were anti obama stuff) so that was exciting that i got to "witness" for mccain! lol if i can even get 1 voter to vote for him from my pin my money was well spent. Our waitress (another lady) said that her son's room looks like a mccain headquarters. she said he has tons of Mccain signs that he has taken from different peoples yards. lol of course she said you have to take them back, how old is he? 7! you can tell it's an important election when even the little kids are talking about it. My sisters kindergarteners were asking the other day "who are you voting for?" everyone answered "McCain" except one. lol. You know i heard some people discussing the election Saturday at the table behind us at Skyline and it got me to thinking. they were obviously for mccain but they were sayin, you know it might very well be God's will for Obama to get in office, to turn America to it's knees. and i thought about that and it made SOO much sense. If he wins and results of that might make america turn back to God. Although, i support Mccain and do NOT want obama to win, and i will never call obama president fyi, he will always be "obama" to me, the thought that maybe, just maybe America might have a revival excited me. I mean we've been praying for God's will in this election. That he will put the best person, most conducive to revival can get in, right? i know i have. sometimes God works in mysterious ways, i guess we'll see..
oh well, on to the pics,
My grandpa (papa!!!) these are mom's parents by the way...

Papa again. He was sweeping the leafs and apples up in his yard, we were all scared he was gonna get stung, since like 50 million (slight exaggeration) bees were flyin around...

Guess who taught Cam that fishy face?? Oh yeah!! i taught brice too, by the way...

Papa again. He was sweeping the leafs and apples up in his yard, we were all scared he was gonna get stung, since like 50 million (slight exaggeration) bees were flyin around...
Guess who taught Cam that fishy face?? Oh yeah!! i taught brice too, by the way...
I don't claim to be a great photographer, but i have to admit this is a REALLY cute pic! actually the pose was her idea, we were in her back yard and she just kept movin down the fence "take a picture here" "take a picture down here" and so on, i have more but this is the best.

Awww he HAS to be the cutest lil guy ever!!!

My beautiful niece!

and i just LOVE this pic of brice, adorable.

some of the media at the rally. this was obviously shortly after the doors opened.

the front of the place. the place where people talked was a LOT closer than where the people up there were sitting.

More front

Some of the crowd, I just held my camera in the air and snapped this pic. i didn't know how many people were there i didn't think it was THAT much, but dad told me the news said 10,000! lol i guess we were close 2 the front! haha

Me & Piepie waiting for it to start. NOT a good pic of me but best i could do under the circumstances.

The first plane (on the screen) that was our false alarm

gretchen wilson and band (she's the one in the middle, lol)

The REAL plane, SO exciting (on the screen)

Can you tell we were excited?


Rob Portman , i think

cool pic i got of the secret service dude, he actually looked at me :) lol. he got in the way of all our pics though *grr* oh well...

cindy mccain with todd & sarah in the background

SAR-AH SAR-AH SAR-AH was the cry....

Sarah on the big screen. If you look behind her you can see Andrew Glick & 2 GBS girls (on either side of andrew)

Sarah!! the crowd loved Todd too btw

she's awesome!

the Mccains...

The palins & cindy mccain sharing a laugh about something, i'm sure we were too i just don't remember what

cool pic of Cindy Mccain with the flag behind her
Awww he HAS to be the cutest lil guy ever!!!
My beautiful niece!
and i just LOVE this pic of brice, adorable.
some of the media at the rally. this was obviously shortly after the doors opened.
the front of the place. the place where people talked was a LOT closer than where the people up there were sitting.
More front
Some of the crowd, I just held my camera in the air and snapped this pic. i didn't know how many people were there i didn't think it was THAT much, but dad told me the news said 10,000! lol i guess we were close 2 the front! haha
Me & Piepie waiting for it to start. NOT a good pic of me but best i could do under the circumstances.
The first plane (on the screen) that was our false alarm
gretchen wilson and band (she's the one in the middle, lol)
The REAL plane, SO exciting (on the screen)
Can you tell we were excited?
Rob Portman , i think
cool pic i got of the secret service dude, he actually looked at me :) lol. he got in the way of all our pics though *grr* oh well...
cindy mccain with todd & sarah in the background
SAR-AH SAR-AH SAR-AH was the cry....
Sarah on the big screen. If you look behind her you can see Andrew Glick & 2 GBS girls (on either side of andrew)
Sarah!! the crowd loved Todd too btw
she's awesome!
the Mccains...
The palins & cindy mccain sharing a laugh about something, i'm sure we were too i just don't remember what
cool pic of Cindy Mccain with the flag behind her
1 comment:
Hey - cool update. And yes I read it all! :) Glad you had fun at the rally, and good thoughts about the election (never know what God's plan just might be!)
Hang in there with school. I'm soo snowballed right now!! *sigh* God gives strength though.
Take care. (cute pics of your "kids") :)
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