So, I've kinda been wanting to blog since it has been a little while, but i know that most people only look at the pics and skip the words, (much to my dismay of course i mean you type and type and type so other can read it, and all they do is scroll down to the pics) I've done it too i admit, but most of the time I read posts unless they're super long or boring! lol... So I took the pics you'll see below to capture yaals attention (I'll explain about them later).
My life has been same old same old. School, school, and..oh yeah school! Lol...School is pretty much the same, exciting news-next week is midterm! Halfway through this semester! Man, time does fly! On the down side of that i have 2 exams next week, 1 in Anatomy & Physiology, that I'm REALLY worried about because it's over EVERYTHING we've done so far and all our teacher told us was basically know and understand everything, so how're you gonna study that? The other exam is another NUR 120 (nursing), I'm not really worried about it, I know i need to get studying (i don't wanna keep puttin off studying till the night before) and yeah. On the up side though, next week is fall break or affectionately known by some of us as "fall pause" because we only have Monday and Tuesday off! But since Tuesday there is no clinicals i have wednesday off as well, since they can't have Wed. clinicals w/o Tues. clinicals! So what am i gonna do over this small break you might ask? well, let's see, study for my 2 exams and do a nutrition project/paper that is due the week after next. FUN i know...but hey, it's got to be done! About the nutrition project, I know you all don't care (sorry) we have to write a "scholarly paper" and do a three day menu plan plus exercise plan for a case study person thing, we have 4 choices of people. The people are all different ages, backgrounds, races, ethnicity, and you have to take those into consideration. Some, want to lose weight some want to remain the same. So i picked the one that looked the easiest, a 29 y.o. single Muslim woman (and just to be sure you understand these are FAKE people!) who it 5'6 and weighs 135 she wants to keep her weight the same. So my job is to research and etc and pick out a 3 day menu (3 meals a day, 2 snacks) that will go with everything about her.... so after clincial today i went to the Gamble Library in the Hospital and found several online journal articles and printed them plus info on Muslim's beliefs concerning food. So, I'm kinda thinking that will be fun, but kinda not..hopefully i do good, it's a not small part of my grade!
Clincials today went pretty well, he assigned us people to do vitals/assist with bed bath etc and gave them indiviually! Well I lucked out and he put me with another girl, because she wasn't there last week, so yeah we worked together and it was kinda fun, I definately feel more prepared for next clinicals (2 wks from today since none next week) when we have our own patient assignments for the first time.... so yeah, i helped with a bath, vitals, changing bed linens, charting on the computer etc.
Another point of interest, For the first time in 5 or more years, I will not be going to Homecoming/Homefest at GBS. I've been required there the last 5 years, and obviously i'm not this year. See, our West Virginia weekend is always on homecoming and we can't change it cuz we go when they have the flea market (once a month) we've just always gone back Sat. morning, but i told my parents that I'll just skip it this year it's ok. My biggest regret about missing it is missing the "concert". After being so much involved with GBS last and for high school it's so weird this year.... i haven't heard the choir/band/or any qts trios this year. An i won't be missing too much at homefest cuz the last 5 years I've been stuck behind a booth all night anyway! I am looking forward 2 W VA though, because My cousin's band competition for saturday got canceled so i can hang out with her like normal (last month she was gone Friday till like 10 pm at a football game (again she's in marching band) and was gone ALL day iiterally Saturday at a competition, it was gonna be that way this weekend too until their comp. got canceled cuz the SRS have to take their SATS so that's exciting...
Well now my explanation for the pics..i went to kroger yesterday with my sister (actually i drove so she went with i went cuz she had to get some things) anyway i had to get a few groceries for this week and milk was one of them. Now any of you who know me well know i don't like milk, well white milk (to drink). i eat it in cereal and if it's the only thing offered (aka band tour) i drink it, and i do like chocolate milk btw, anyway i needed just a little milk for cereal. i didn't wanna get a whole 1/2 (lol) gallon so i was just gonna get one of those little jugs til i saw this:
Well, besides all that I've been keeping up with the prez campaign of course... I was fascianted to find out you can watch the debates on the internet, so of COURSE i watched the sarah palin/joe biden debate, and fyi she did AWESOME, she was the real winner (in my opinion), I watched some of the Mccain/Obama one last night but didn't finish it because A-got bored B-had stuff to do C-Had to be at school by 7 today, but what i did see i thought mccain did really good.
anyways i better sign off, i have lotsa homework to do!
have a good weekend
ps i should have some new pics after the weekend and then next week
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