I'm writing this post for all of you who believe in the power of prayer! Those of you who I go to church with know some of this already, but not the details! We were visiting our family in West Virginia weekend before last and Sunday most of the family comes over for Sunday dinner. We hardly recognized my cousin, Chrissy's husband Zach! He had lost 80-100 pounds within a month or 2 w/o trying. He had been sick but they didn't know with what. They ran tests this week and found some problems, but weren't sure what exactly was wrong. Saturday they took him to a different hospital for more tests & a biopsy. We got the call around 8ish Saturday night. Lymphoma. Cancer of the Lymph Nodes. It was quite a blow to be honest, when mom got off the phone w/ my aunt & said "lymphoma" i just sank my head to the seat behind me (we were in the car) and let out a deep breath. Some people say this is an easy cancer to get rid of, some say it's BAD news! Zach is 24 years old, they just bought a house, have only been married 3 or 4 years, probably. My aunt is trying to get all the churches she can think of praying for Zach, so I am asking you all to pray as well, and if you want to pass this request along feel free. Pray for Chrissy as well as Zach, as this is very hard on her, having to work her job as well as go through this. I really just wish I could get the call saying he's cancer-free that a miracle happened, but I know God has a plan, and purpose for all this, after all there is a reason for everything. I hope that God's plan is to heal Zach, but I am praying for God's will to be done not mine. I hope you all will join me in this prayer.
(i took the pic from Chrissy's facebook, it was probably taken before they were married, but I thought it was a good pic of them)
Thanks for praying!
We will be praying!
We will pray!
We will be praying!
Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips. I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it.
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