For those of you who have prayed/been praying for Zach..THANK YOU!!!! Some of you heard this in church, but this is for the rest of you....
The doctor's told Zach he had I said in my last post.... apparently sometime later on they said well... he MIGHT have lymphoma but he might also have this other disease called "sarcoidosis".... which is not curable but is treatable...they had to run a ton of tests .... they couldn't rule out cancer (lymphoma) for 2 weeks till all the tests were back.... well last Friday was the day they went and saw the aunt called on Saturday I think....she said that he has the sarcoidosis NOT LYMPHOMA!!!! she thanked us for all the prayers..... I was soo glad to hear this, I was having such a hard time dealing with this, and i really can't explain why...... anyways, the sarcoidosis is (according to one of my textbooks) "a chronic multisystem granulomatous disease of unknown cause that primarily affects the lungs"..... anyways hard to explain but it's a better diagnosis than lymphoma for sure.... THANK YOU ALL sooo much for praying for Zach & chrissy and please continue to pray for them.....he still is not feeling well, is tired & weak.... and of course now they have a rather large (i imagine) hospital bill to pay for. He was supposed to start on the treatment today i believe. The treatment for this disease is steroids...if they don't work (after a year i think) he'll have to have chemo. So, please keep them in your prayers! Thank God for hearing & answering prayers!!!
There is tons more i could say.... school is okay...i'm surviving.... my life is pretty much school..... They made all of us 1st year students change to a different parking garage (rather than the Christ Hospital employee garage)'s the Baldwin garage way down Dorchester across the road from Eden's not that far but it's kinda out of the way for me.... we started parking there today, my friend lalia rode with me since it was the first day and all.... I think it's a nuisance but we only have to put up with it till June ... cuz then we will be 2nd year and the new 1st years will have to park there next year!!!
Dad & Craig both celebrated birthdays last week (the 8th and 10th, respectively).... My uncle Pat's birthday is tomorrow (st. patrick's day)....
There were some videos from my camera I wanted to post from our last trip to West Virginia.....I never got around to it but hopefully i will sometime....
Well, that's all for now...this was meant to be an update on zach and nothing else, which is why it doesn't really update anything else much.... oh well...have a great week & great st. patrick's day...
~My birthday, Baby Stella Rose's birth Story!!, Kimberly hemorrhages on us
2Xs, sweet pics of both babies!~
~A couple more pics of Phillip in Colombia.~
*~As I said in my last post, *
*The Lord allowed Noah to travel to another country, over a weekend to be a
3 months ago
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