Here are a few pre-Christmas pics.
Most years mom and dad buy each other some small stuff, but dad usually buys something big for mom.This year they decided to buy "each other" a big electric fireplace. Dad has always loved fireplaces, but we've never had one. So they bought this big one, it looks really nice in the living room, it can give off heat, and looks like a real fire w/o all the mess of a real one (it's also easier just to turn it off, lol). I was going to post pics of the living room before and after, but gave up looking for before pics, so sorry. Also, mom and dad put their money the church gave them for Christmas together and bought a nice light for the dining room. We just had a plain light on the ceiling before. It's amazing what a difference just 1 little light will make in a room, Again i gave up looking for "before" pics so just imagine what the room looked like! lol. Anyways this stuff was bought and "installed" (by dad) before Christmas hence the blog title "before christmas stuff"
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