This morning an old friend from high school (I know that makes it sound like ages ago, haha) tagged me in 2 pics on Facebook. So, i looked at all of the pics from her high school days at ACA. So, after lookin at these pics it sent me back remembering things gone by. Memories are wonderful things. You can remember joy, excitement, and happiness, but also sadness and sorrow. A lot of times memories tend to make things seem better than they actually were, or bad things worse than they actually more. So for some things I remember...
-I don't actually remember my Papa Hoschar (dad's dad) i do remember a few things about the summer we stayed with him when our house was moved onto our land however. I was about 3 i think. I remember playing cars on his front porch, driving my cars along his porch railing, and the cars falling in the bushes. Mom would tell my sister's to get my cars they'd say, "Why do we have to get them?" Mom would say, "Cuz she's too little". I remember my sister push mowin my Papa's small city yard, and me following her with my bubble mower I got for my 4th birthday. My Papa apparently had hours of prayer & devotions in the mornings, I remember peeking through the keyhole of his bedroom trying to see him, one morning.
More recent things (these are NOT in order)-
- I remember tons of walk a thons at LBA
-I remember (perhaps) my first day of school ever. Walking into the classroom with my mom, and Mrs. Patti Cox (the kindergarten teacher at the time) saying "wow she already found her seat" or something to that affect (because i found my desk right away
-I remember in 4th grade being embarrased to death when the boy I liked announced to our whole tables (the desks were in groups of 4 or something) that we liked each other.
-I remember the first boy I ever liked, and he liked me. I was 4, he was 5.
-I remember my first day of high school & my first day at GBS! I was SOO scared, I was like shaking. Dad walked me up to the high school floor. And stayed with me, until I saw people I knew (Tara Campbell & Sandra Holden)
-I remember finding out that I was going to be an aunt for the first time
-I remember the day September 11, 2001. I was in junior high at LBA. They didn't tell us what happened, but they brought a memo in from the office & our teacher, Mrs. Burkett gasped when she read it. We were guessing all kinds of things- a schoolwide lice epidemic, a war, etc. Then, kids started going home early. 9/11/01 didn't affect me all that much, since i was only 12 and didn't even know what the twin towers were.
-I remember the eve of the first Bush election, staying up listening to 700 WLW & Billy Cunningham (who was at that time for "Georgey Bush")
-I remember saying "If Bush wins I'll run around the outside of our house 20 times, shouting" (Pretty sure i never did that)
-I remember when I went to Bush rally the day before the 2nd election. That was SOO exciting (and the most awake i've ever been at 5 am)
-I remember when I heard that Sedona had been born. I was at my sister Tonya's house in N.C. & it was like 4 am. Needless to say, neither me nor tonya could sleep after that.
-I remember the going away party we had at LBA for long-time 2nd grade teacher, Miss Peteroti (and i remember when i was in Kindergarten or 1st grade thinking her name was Miss Pepperoni)
-I remember how in 3rd grade, I could never get the list of seat work (aka busy work) done.
-I remember in 4th grade on my "Ohio" project getting a "103" because I put "too much effort" into it and another girl got "105"
-I remember in 6th grade, our teacher letting us make prank calls on her cell phone during class.
-I remember the same teacher getting mad at us and slamming the yard stick on the overhead projector and breaking it (the projector) before leaving the room.
-I remember in 6th grade, the only time i got in trouble. One morning before school I found a hashbrown in my desk, I asked my good friend, Tara C, what i should do with it, "Put it in Jason's locker" I did. He put it in Garrett's locker. I got in trouble, "not because i did a joke but because it carried". I remember standing on the walk at recess (the punishment) and almost crying when another teacher asked "why in the world are you here for?"
-I remember the many pilgrim/indian dressup days at LBA, when in the younger years I usually dressed as a cowgirl or indian, when i got older i came as a pioneer (cuz i loved the long flowy dresses)
-I remember arriving at many LBA christmas programs in the standard Christmas Program Black Skirt & White Shirt, and being SOO proud to be a LBA student.
-I remember how our class was known as the "most spiritual" class at LBA & also how the first kid to ever get kicked out of LBA was in our class.
-I remember when my aunt had my cousin (now 11 y/o) going back to see him. She promised me i could hold him all day the next day but in the night he turned blue and had to be taken to the hospital
-I remember locking my sis & one of her former bfs out on the back deck once ages ago
-I remember when my sister's got married (in June & September 2001)
- I remember not crying at all through my sister, Tonya's (first one to get married) wedding, reception, or cleaning up the church afterward until I read a letter she wrote us (on the way home) that made everyone cry, including me.
- I remember the night I heard that Glen Payne, from the Cathedrals, had died.
- I remember the many trips to "Rite Aid" with my oldest sis Jess, after she was out of high school & just working (she would always buy me tons of stuff). I remember sneaking a giant size Hershey bar in the cart, her buying it then getting mad at me that I didn't tell her about it.
-I remember the Christmas Dinner at church when Bill (now my brother in law) had asked our pastor's wife to seat us at our table (he was just beginning to "date" "like" whatever, my sis jess) we got there first and found his nametag was by dad's with a empty seat then Jess. I promptly moved his nametag next to Jessica's (we knew he didn't want to sit by dad)
-I remember the evening after my freshman year, high school, awards ceremony. I hadn't expected to get any awards, but had placed 1rst or 2nd in every class. I remember then determining to keep it up & get valedictorian with 4.0 gpa.
- I remember when i found out i had made an A- in either choir or computer in high school. I cried all the way home (because A- was NOT 4.0) we got the situation fixed, however.
-I remember all the morning's of NOT wanting to go to our high school choir PR services
- I remember my 8th grade graduation, my relatives from W VA came in-cousin Joseph was sick, coughing, they gave him Benedryl or something & he slept the whole service
-I remember the agony of waiting for Cam to be born (he was a week late)
-I remember the sadness & disbelief when I learned a beloved (to everyone) teacher GBS high school was leaving (end of JR year)
-I remember the shock & sorrow when I found out my K-8 principal, Mr Dean Truesdale was in the hospital and later passed away
-I remember a dear, old lady from church whom I always called "Grandma". I also remember when she died, a long time ago
-I remember playing Army, McDonalds, Christmas and much more with Stephanie Jowers (Arnold)
- I remember the years and years of carpooling to LBA with Margaret Jowers & Stephanie.
- I remember later on when Daren Berkebile & Nate Jarasat joined our carpooling.
-I remember the sadness when in 5th grade my best friend that whole year, the last week of school told me "I'm tired of hanging out with you" and started hanging out with the most popular girl in the class.
-I remember when (in high school) Craig (my brother in law) called us to let us know his mother had passed away (with cancer). I remember traveling down to N.C. for the layout & funeral.
-I remember high school graduation, it was soo hard to believe i actually made it & was graduating. It was so bittersweet
- I remember senior trip. too bad our class had to wait that long to truly bond & grow close. I remember the evening devotional times we had on SR trip in our Gatliburg cabin. I remember how i always went to bed before everyone else (who stayed up half the night)
-I remember how in high school, i somehow always was friends with seniors, they would leave and i'd have to start over again the next year. I remember senior year my best friend was a non-GBS person. I remember the months of hurt when that person let me down.
-I remember orientation week to GBS college. I was SOO scared I wouldn't make friends & didn't know many people. I remember the joy when i made a good friend. I remember the sadness & hurt when that friend abruptly changed towards me & let me down that next spring (what hurt worse was I had told her how much the friend my SR yr had hurt me and she did the exact same thing to me). These are "ancient" history now, but they are still huge memories for me that would be unfair to leave out seeing as how they helped me come to the person I am now.
- I remember March of 08. when i got that letter from Christ College (of nursing...) and knew it said either i was accepted or rejected. I froze when i got it before opening it.
-I remember all the preparation for nursing school. All the shots, DRs visits, CPR class, all the trips to the college for random things (uniform trying on, registration, meeting my advisor, pre registering, etc)
-I remember the excitement when I learned another GBS girl (one my my bffs bff) was going to Christ College too.
-I remember praying that summer for God to give me some good, true friends. (since all my best friends had either let me down & hurt me or just kinda drifted out of my life/losing touch, not seeing each other etc)
- I remember the joy when i realized God had given me 2 really awesome totally different best friends.
-I remember all the studying and schoolwork last semester
-I remember how i didn't try as hard as I should have, but God still rewarded me
-I remember all the prayer's that went out finals week & the happiness & joy i felt when i learned I had achieved my academic goals for that semester.
I could list more, but you get the point. It has been a while since I last posted, but after posting TONS of Christmas posts not one person commented so i just didn't feel like posting. I do know some people read this however, 2 people who don't have blogs, told me they read this/or do when they have time. I know this is a different sorta post, but some of these things were floating through my head all morning, and i just had to get them out in writing. Thanks for reading...
~My birthday, Baby Stella Rose's birth Story!!, Kimberly hemorrhages on us
2Xs, sweet pics of both babies!~
~A couple more pics of Phillip in Colombia.~
*~As I said in my last post, *
*The Lord allowed Noah to travel to another country, over a weekend to be a
3 months ago
Wow! You have a great memory! I think we did that on purpose at the Christmas Dinner:) I thought for sure he wanted to sit by your Dad:) Sorry I did not get to comment on your last post:(
Hey I read your blog. This is Rissy. Neat post. Nostalgia.
Aww - Ruth Ann. That was so neat reading about all your memories - some of those we shared together at LBA. I'm so glad that God has given us a mind to remember the good and the bad and how He's always faithful.
Haha I didn't read all of them cause I'm in a hurry but I'll be back to read them later!! My favorite so far is the whole hash brown thing!! Too funnyyy!! :)
Yea. I just started learning though. So I'm excited about the sounds I'm starting to get =)
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