In Christmas-es past when my sister's were home Tonya was always the one to wake us ALL up. she was always the most excited about Christmas. Mom says when Tonya was little she would unwrap things throwing paper over both shoulders while Jess would take her time & try to not rip the paper. Well, now that the girls are gone, it's just mom, dad, and me on Christmas mornings. This year we just set a specific time to open gifts, to allow mom enough time to get dinner on. So we got up and got ready. The big part was diggin out ALL the gifts under the tree to find ours. After we did that we put the rest back, and started unwrapping, taking turns, mom, dad, me, etc. we actually didn't take any pics while unwrapping, sorry, and i didn't actually take a pic of all my stuff either, sorry again. Dad took a pic of me with stack of gifts before i opened them but it was a bad pic (= not posting it). I did get a lot of nice stuff though. Mom & Dad cut down on their spending this year, but you never would have known it to look at all the stuff I got. Mom & Dad gave me a choice earlier in the year between something that I would "really like" or something I needed, becuase the couldn't get them both. Well, of course i chose the something i would like, because just getting something you need isn't as fun. Well the thing they had in mind (a hammered dulcimer) was more expensive than they thought, so they didn't get one. But when we were in Tennessee for vacation this summer we were in a lil christian bookstore and there was a really cool pic i liked, but it was too expensive. I LOVE patriotic stuff if yaal don't know and my room at home is decorated in it. It was a pic of Jesus with the symbols of America & Christianity, and he's crying. I REALLY liked this pic when i saw it, so i told my parents when they went back down just the 2 of them in like November or something if they still had it they could get it for me for Christmas. well, i really didn't think i would get it, but sure enough I unwrapped it on Christmas. Oh, and the thing i needed, i got that too (since they couldn't get the dulcimer). So anyways yeah, later Christmas morning, Tonya & Craig came out, then Jess, Bill, & the kids. We ate lunch. Then after lunch was over & at least cleared off the table we went 2 the living room for round 2 of gifts. we decided to do all the kids (sedona, cam, brice) first and get that cleaned up then the adults would go around and open ours. So, I helped Brice open his gifts. He loved the little packs of hotwheels (out of all the big things he liked the little things) also, tonya bought the kids a baby bottle pop sucker to go with what she bought them and that was another favorite of Brice's. That and a cheap toy mop mom picked up for Brice somewhere. Lol. After that we unwrapped our gifts, I got a "nursing" desk calender & perfume from jess n bill, and 2 shirts from tonya n craig. after that i pretty much played with the kids the rest the day I think. It was a good Christmas overall! :)
~My birthday, Baby Stella Rose's birth Story!!, Kimberly hemorrhages on us
2Xs, sweet pics of both babies!~
~A couple more pics of Phillip in Colombia.~
*~As I said in my last post, *
*The Lord allowed Noah to travel to another country, over a weekend to be a
3 months ago
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